cardiovascular research foundation | pulse of my city | Hotel Plaza, Nueva York, NY | december 11, 2015

La Fundación para la Investigación Cardiovascular (CRF) rindió homenaje al ex-Secretario de Estado de los EE.UU. el Dr. Henry A. Kissinger durante su gala anual Pulse of the City (El pulso de la ciudad), celebrada el 11 de noviembre del 2015 en el Hotel Plaza de Nueva York.

Photos: Chris Jackson / Getty

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Nancy Kissinger, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Dr. Roman W. DeSanctis & Dr. Martin B. Leon

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Dr. Gregg W. Stone, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Dr. Martin B. Leon

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Drs. Zahra & Ziad Ali; Nancy Kissinger & Dr. Henry A. Kissinger

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Amy Stone, Dr. Gregg W. Stone & Samantha Stone

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Dr. Gregg W. Stone & Dr. Roman DeSanctis

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Linda Leon & Dr. Martin B. Leon

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Vista general

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Dr. Roman W. DeSanctis, Dr. Herbert Pardes & Dr. Antonio Goto

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
H. Richard Davis & Cinda Davis

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Dr. Craig Smith & Patricia Smith

pulse of my city / plaza hotel, new york city, ny
Dr. Martin Leon, & Dr.Henry A. Kissinger